Welcome to Pyramid Lake Fisheries!
Pyramid Lake is widely regarded as a world-class fishery for the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout. This is evident by many world line class records and the world record of 41 pounds caught in 1925 by Johnny Skimmerhorn (Paiute). Pyramid Lake is the ancestral home of the Pyramid Lake Paiute People of the Northern Nevada region.
The mission of Pyramid Lake Fisheries is to operate and maintain fishery facilities at Pyramid Lake and the lower Truckee River for the purpose of enhancing Cui-ui and Lahontan Cutthroat Trout populations while creating a balance within natural resources management actions, which reflects the social, cultural, economic, and natural resource values of the Pyramid Lake Paiute people.
The goal of Pyramid Lake Fisheries is to maintain both a recreational and trophy fishery for Lahontan Cutthroat Trout while working collaboratively with partners to protect, conserve, and restore aquatic resources, fish habitats, and water quality within the Pyramid Lake - Truckee River watershed. These goals can be achieved if a balance can be found to maintain the Tribe’s goals while meeting the demand of upstream users of the Truckee River. This provides a unique opportunity to add a significant education feature to the general public.
Pyramid Lake Fisheries, 603 Sutcliffe Dr., Sutcliffe, Nevada 89510 Ph: 775-476-0500